Life Cycle Monitor is a system that collects data while a machines operates, stores the data, and then generates daily reports related to functions performed and estimates component life. The following are the operational steps:

Collect Data: A computer on the machine interfaces with Programable Logic Controllers (PLCs) or sensors and stores the desired data in files.

Transmit Data: The data is perodically transmitted to a server at a remote location. Data is usually transmitted by FTP once a day. File compression (Zip) can be helpful.

Organize Data: Periodically, usually everday, a process is started at the remote location to organize the data into a database. The database can be as simple as all the data for one day stored in one file with a date for the file name. If there is enough data then the next step is started.

Generate Reports: Reports are text and graphics formatted to PDF and HTML. Configuration files identify what and how data should be reported. See DOCUMENTS screen for examples.
   - Duty Profile
   - Component Life
   - Daily Usage
   - Load History

Transfer to Website: Periodically, usually once a day, the reports are transferred to a web site for viewing.

Note 1: The above description implies multiple computers. Depending on the circumstances, everything could operate on one computer or a combination of computers.

Note 2: Each data item has a time and a name attached to it. The name is referred to as a "TAG". Data collected from the machine is referred to as RAW DATA.