IACoder - Engineering Analyst. USA. Projects


Crane Load Monitor Systems

Designed crane monitor systems consisting of computers, switches, angle indicators, load cells, encoders, and control panels. They are programmed in PLC (ladder logic) and C/C++. The data logger option is written in VB .NET.


Designed linear winch control systems using computerized control panels to operate two reciprocating grips that move a cable. Improved reliability and efficiency by rewriting the software (Allen-Bradley and Omron). Software is now portable. New diagnostics reduce commissioning and maintenance cost.

Internet Applications

Prototyped and provided technical support for an Internet application (ASP/IIS/MSSQL) that acquires usage data from remote equipment to determine maintenance and service requirements.

This was replaced by a more passive system. Daily reports were generated from the collected data and published to a web site. An icon driven web site was developed to access the reports, raw data, and equipment related documentation. All scripting, database, and server specific requirements were eliminated. This reduced support requirements, customer training, and allowed for customization to meet customer specific requirements. Engineers and customers can download raw data into their own spreadsheets for further analysis. See www.lifecyclemonitor.com to view an example.

Ag Tractors

Under construction.

Cranes and Excavators

Under construction.

Military Equipment

Under construction.

Packaging Machines

Under construction.

Three Speed Semi-Automatic Transmission

Under construction.

Crane Ratings

Under construction.

Crane Load Monitor Systems

Under construction.

Linear Winches and Chain Jacks

Under construction.

Life Cycle Monitor

Under construction.